Betekenis van:
vice admiral

vice admiral
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • vice-admiraal
  • an admiral ranking below a full admiral and above a rear admiral



  1. Vice-Admiral Soe Thein
  2. Vice Admiral Soe Thein
  3. Title: Vice Admiral.
  4. Son of Vice Admiral Soe Thein, d.o.b.
  5. Son of Vice-Admiral Soe Thein, d.o.b.
  6. Daughter of Vice Admiral Soe Thein, d.o.b.
  7. Wife of Vice Admiral Soe Thein G31c
  8. Wife of Vice Admiral Soe Thein F
  9. Daughter of Vice-Admiral Soe Thein, d.o.b.
  10. Wife of Vice Admiral Soe Thein
  11. Son of Vice Admiral Soe Thein, d.o.b. 23.9.1973 M D16e
  12. Thida Aye Daughter of Vice Admiral Soe Thein, d.o.b.
  13. Title: Vice Admiral. Function: Chief of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Joint Staff.